PowerPoint Slides (Magyar)

(This page contains PPTs for lectures after 2015. The English-language slides often overlap with the PPTs of the seminar.)


Table of Contents

In English

The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes: A Challenge to the Mainstream Comparative Approach (16 slides)

Ukraine’s Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion in the Light of Post-Communist Regimes (32 slides)

Patronal Autocracy and Patronal Democracy (21 slides)

Blind spots in corruption research (11 slides)

Towards a Set of Indices for Patronalism (26 slides)

Hate and Fear – Ingredients of a Psychedelic Ideological Coctail (6 slides)

Poland and Hungary – Two autocratic attempts to overthrow liberal democracy (15 slides)

Populism in Post-Communist Patronal Autocracy (7 slides)

The Hungarian Post-Communist Mafia State (21 slides)

Towards an Interpretative Framework of Post-Communist Regimes (41 slides)

Typology of Post-Communist Regimes (Conceptual toolkit) (90 slides)

Presentation in Kotor (1, general)

Presentation in Kotor (2, Hungarian example)

In Russian

Венгерское мафиозное государство (20 slides)

Идеология в посткоммунистической патрональной автократии (8 slides)

О терминологии посткоммунистических автократий (39 slides)

От мелкой кoррупции к криминальному государству (14 slides)

Польша и Венгрия – Две автократические попытки ликвидировать либеральную дeмoкрaтию (10 slides)

Популизм в посткоммунистической патрональной автократии (7 slides)

Смoдeлированные траектории посткоммунистических режимов (41 slides)

by Bálint Magyar and Bálint Madlovics